"2024 Election Postmortem" Public Panel Discussions


Location: Notre Dame Conference Center | Rooms 215 & 216

This event will bring together scholars, activists, faith leaders, and political strategists at this perilous moment in the history of American democracy.

It includes two public panel discussions:

“What Happened: Reflecting on the 2024 Election and How We Got Here”

“Remaining Vigilant: What to Watch for in the Days Ahead”


Rachel Brown, Founder and Executive Director of Over Zero
Chris Crawford, Policy Strategist at Protect Democracy
Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Professor of History and Gender Studies at Calvin University
David French, Opinion Columnist for The New York Times
Robert P. Jones, President and Founder of the Public Religion Research Institute
Lilliana Mason, SNF Angora Institute Associate Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins
Mary Novak, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Chris Parker, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Katherine Stewart, Journalist, author of The Power Worshippers and Money, Lies, and God
Amanda Tyler, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
Jim Wallis, Georgetown University’s Center on Faith + Justice